It’s Cacciatore Time! (2024)

Submissions are now closed for the 2023-24 contest. The submission deadline was February, 11th 2024. Winners will be announced in March 2024!

cacciatore is a project cooked up by the vision+voice team. The days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder. November means cacciatore!

What’s it all about?

It’s cacciatore: a hunter’s stew made by throwing things into a pot and letting them simmer.

It’s ACC: a literary stew created only by ACC dual credit students.

And it’s CC: the Roman numeral for 200, as in, 200 words. That’s it. Your chance to tell the world what’s on your mind, in 200 words or less. Fiction, chicken, poetry, mushrooms, love-letter, tomatoes, raves, or rabbits: the pot holds 200 words. Your thing.

How does it work?

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Submit your piece here, by February 11th, 2024. We’ll review all the submissions and choose some for serving hot, right here in our online literary magazine. We’re planning a celebration for cacciatore authors in May — stay tuned for details!