Happy Pain

The faint scent of my brother’s Tom Ford cologne wafted into my face and my eyes began to water. If my twenty one year old brother was taken too, what would I do? Who would make me laugh? Who would fight me for the TV remote? Who would help me build a fort to watch movies all night long? Who would cook me my favorite meals? Who would take me to see the world? Who else would sit in the freezing cold for me? Who else would hold me in the dead of night?
“Hey Ace, what are you thinking about?”
In that moment I didn’t feel the usual wave of irritation when I heard him refer to me as the unusual character of Ace Ventura. Instead, I felt happy that I still had time to cherish my family. I felt happy that I had time to be with him. I felt happy that he was still here. For the first time this week I smiled. Tonight, in the freezing cold, I just felt happy.

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