
It was around 4 am when I was jolted awake. The sheets I shoved off of me took with it the pools of sweat I was laying in. I couldn’t remember anything. I couldn’t remember falling asleep or where I was. My heart was racing and I was so hot it felt like I was sitting in an oven. I could barely breathe. The walls felt as if they were closing in. I threw myself off of the couch landing with a thud. I scrambled to get up and ran in no particular direction. Patches of yellow were hindering my vision. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body. I looked down to see what was attacking me, barely making out a coffee table. Stumbling around the room I knocked over everything in my way. As my arms waved around the room I felt it graze something cold. It was a feeling so wonderful even in this delirious state I couldn’t help but crave for more. I launched myself towards it and found myself against a glass door with a sea of darkness behind it but it would not open. I was stuck.

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