The Half and Half Tree

A meadow. Open to the world. And the tree, so ready to greet the others whom fear the grassy path. The wind, whipping through the leaves of the tree in the middle, so barren yet fruitful, as a line down it’s very core, stretching through the meadow, leaving one side ripe, with animals, and good fortune. As the ever watching knight approaches the sun, wrought with armor glowing silver in the setting light, protecting against the beast, with a gaze both pure and savage. The pacing panther, with a hide both black and white, and stripes to match, that writhe in unique patterns enticing to each side, watching the knight as he stares back. No contact, since they are never allowed to cross the line. They wait, passionate for the arrival of either their next victim, in the eyes of the cat, or the salvation, behind the shield of the knight. The wind changes form, caring not for either side of the field, only wanting someone new to come along, and end this standstill. And now the leaves crunch, as the expected visitor has come out from hiding from the fauna. So, what will your choice be?

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