Teddy Bear

You were a teddy bear
A soft kind teddy bear
You give warm long cluddles and and soft brushes of the hair
I found you on a park bench, playing with a different girl
She was pretty and kind but quiet
I spoke too loud and stole you away
I tore the blue statin bow from her hair and tied it around your neck
I dragged you with that blue satin bow through the dirt and grass
I choked you as I played with your soft fur
I poked and prodded you as you cuddled me
You were choking as I dragged you with that satin bow
That’s when he came and opened my eyes
He showed me the dirt on your fur
And the marks on your neck
And the frown on my face
So I untied the satin bow and now I leave you here
I leave you with sorrow in my heart
I leave you with sadness
I leave you with sorrys and I wish’s
And I tied them all up with that blue satin bow
And called it happy Valentine’s Day

One House

For sale
one house
One overpriced
Too big
Too empty
Too new
For sale
one house
Filled with the stories of broken people
One woman broken at the seams mad at the world for deeds she committed
One man depressed seeing a world of limited opportunities and limited chances
One girl cased with disease and placed in a category of broken and misunderstanding
One boy riddled with social anxiety lost chances and depression hiding from people and himself
One girl lost in thought and in a strive to fit the social norms
For sale
one house
Riddled with the haunting spirits of a broken marriage, three lost childhoods and hope
For sale
one house
Bought once for the strive of a new and better life
one house
Bought this time so that others could forget

Blueberry Attraction

As soon as Waldo landed his ginormous space ship on the face of planet Earth, he instantly felt spontaneous and ready to take on any change he was about to be faced with through his epic journey of discovery. His first, and ultimately his most important discovery was made on an amazing walk through a mysterious forest, that was known to have the best blueberries to ever grow on Earth. Waldo fell in love with these said blueberries, and got the craziest idea. He decided to completely change his appearance. He took the sweet taste and the mesmerizing shape and texture of the best blueberries he’d ever known, and made them his own identity. He instantly became fascinated with himself, and felt more confident than he had ever felt before. He was ready for a new beginning on his new favorite planet, and as his new favorite self. He was now ready to read every mesmerized face that stopped and stared. He was ready for every attraction he would encounter from now on. He was the new version of a blueberry attraction, and he was ready for a new life he could proudly call his very own.

Restless Night

Fear in a man’s eye can be seen at night
Between the dancing specters of friends’ past.
Through the darkness he prays will not last
Painful memories remind him of fright
Endured at a tender age. Such a blight
One his mind. Quick thoughts sprint by, his heart, gassed.
The weight of his life pressed his chest and asked
“Captain what should we do? Can we turn right?
A chill grips the man and does not let go.
He feels the tossing of a ghostly ship.
Cracking keel thunders loud before the flip
That casts the men down with a forceful blow.
Every night between the light, his guilt trip
Goes underway with the crazed man in tow.


Fragile as the thin encasement of a hummingbird’s egg soft against morning’s dew,
Yet equally as intense as a wild raging river, deep in a jungle’s heart.
A level of being in which the astounding mind conjures a complex artificial reality. It is glorious performance of light and sound…
Of fear and deprivation…
Of love and fulfillment…
Of choice and control…
Arising from smoldering ashes of a sleeping mind,
It is a fiery formula of subconscious experience.
It is held prisoner behind fluttering eyelids who battle fruitlessly against the heavy blanket of night.

The Play of Reality

Reach into the box of expectations, desperate and uncertain. Withdraw from it an extravagant mask, shielding your eyes from the harsh lights of rationale and variation overhead. Look around; a stage. How curious. It’s as if one were putting on a play of pseudo reality in which the plot never varies and stays oblivious to the world outside the curtain walls. You can see the other actors all share identical masks, all striving for the same role. It is like a school of fish, trying so hard to follow this concept of independence and individuality that it soon loses its meaning.
There is an ignorance to acknowledge this false sense of uniqueness.
Society has expectations for what is considered individualistic and creative. It is no longer decided by the individual, rather the crudeness of the group.
Forcing our minds to heed to the demands of others, we now strive to appeal to the standards not set by one’s self. We live our lives claiming to be pursuing personal goals, but in reality we live for someone else. Afraid of being cast outside of the group, isolated and neglected, we wear the identical masks and repeat the same verses.

the dream (stream of consiousness)

wind howls,heart thudding. twigs snap… dryness turns to wetness as my feet hit the ground. Silence…rushing russling wooshing .pushing me back . Panic sets in and i take off . ripping , slicing ,and cutting. thorns tear at my skin . ground ends . I pause. whippinga round . time slows as the monster takes a step . a single breat. ground gives way. falling ,closer , closer . wings snap out . gliding-then flying. the warm sticky blood runs down my legs . i don’t care . I am free…. darkness hollow anger . blue to red to black . my eyes snap open – Revenge.

Early Tears

During my early years
Often spent trapped between walls
My eyes were always filled with tears
And no dad to catch me when I’d fall
While dads would hang out with their kids by the parkside
I’d be in my room watching from my window screen
Wishing to be like the kids on the outside
Trying not to let out an angry scream
My dad was never there
To share the joys or sadness
Which made me think no one cared
But his excuse was always “I have my own madness”
Thankfully I have a mom who’s extremely caring
And did more than just childbearing.

Screw You

Are you there? I don’t know. Where? I have held onto you, the concept of you, the sheer thought of finding you. Now I fear I have lost sleep over something that does not exist. I have been happy but the thought of you is lurking and you are perching and I’m pissed. I am independent and don’t need such thing as you to hold me down but I do or I may never come back to the ground. I am floating away and no one will ask me to stay. I’ve heard stories of you. The happy ones the sad heart wrenching and cold ones too. And with that, I am sorry but SCREW YOU! You have hurt the ones that don’t deserve it let them think they have been lucky enough to catch you but then you run away yelling “Ha, at you! Haha, you are such a fool.” How could you be so cruel?
I thought he was happy. He told me he would be kind. I thought we had both found you, felt you, but no. What a fool you let me be. What a fool I’ve been. Never again.

Sincerely a broken heart.

The Half and Half Tree

A meadow. Open to the world. And the tree, so ready to greet the others whom fear the grassy path. The wind, whipping through the leaves of the tree in the middle, so barren yet fruitful, as a line down it’s very core, stretching through the meadow, leaving one side ripe, with animals, and good fortune. As the ever watching knight approaches the sun, wrought with armor glowing silver in the setting light, protecting against the beast, with a gaze both pure and savage. The pacing panther, with a hide both black and white, and stripes to match, that writhe in unique patterns enticing to each side, watching the knight as he stares back. No contact, since they are never allowed to cross the line. They wait, passionate for the arrival of either their next victim, in the eyes of the cat, or the salvation, behind the shield of the knight. The wind changes form, caring not for either side of the field, only wanting someone new to come along, and end this standstill. And now the leaves crunch, as the expected visitor has come out from hiding from the fauna. So, what will your choice be?