Darling You

Darling, why do you fret so much about what the future holds? Why do you listen to those outsider voices and your own burdening voice? I have loved you since I held your little baby body in my arms and felt your soft tiny hand wrapped around my single finger. I have raised you in love, and words cannot describe the love I feel for you. I hope my words would matter more to you than most. You just the way you are is extravagant. People should want to see and know more of you, because the real you that I know is extraordinary. You shouldn’t shy away because of your imperfections or differences. Trying to fit into another person’s mold is just another weight placed on your shoulders. Through my life, I have discovered that opening your arms to who you are with all of your strengths and weaknesses can be freeing. Just be you. The you that only you were made to be.

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