I Just Wanted to Say

I just wanted to say thank you, I miss you, and I love you. Even though you are no longer here, I forever will remember you.While I am still so sad, lonely, and empty because of my loss, I know you are in a better place. These words are the most difficult that I’ve ever had to write. Finding sleep has been difficult and I when I can sleep, my dreams dreams are of you – only to find that when I wake, you’re still gone. The only comfort I can find right now is knowing you are at peace and that one day I will see you again. In so many ways these times should be a celebration. You really are in a better place. A place where love abounds and there is no pain; but celebration is challenging when a huge part of my heart is now missing. I love you more than words can express and i long for when the day comes that I can see you again and hear that infectious laughter.

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