The Unlucky Man

A man walks down the street, steps on his shoe lace and falls on his knee. He gets back up and ties his shoes only to realize he needs to pee. He heads towards his apartment and on his way there, he is handed an apple by a stranger for free. He looks at the apple and discovers a worm so he throws the apple into the sea. However, this man missed and instead hit a car so he gets startled and accidentally runs into a tree. He falls on the ground and while he is there, he picks up a flower and is stung by a bee. He gets back up and despite his pain, keeps the flower to give to his girlfriend, Marie. He gets to his apartment and feels his pockets but he is missing his key. Now you might say this man is very unlucky now, but just wait, you’ll see. He looks at his watch and realizes he’s late for his doctor’s appointment at three. The man wakes up, realizes it was all a dream, goes to the bathroom and makes a cup of tea.

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