Twilight Dreaming

She ran through the dark forest. A place once of familiarity suddenly now strange and frightening. She spinned around but everywhere she looked there was just darkness, none of the familiar trees in sight. The strangeness and vastness frightened her and she started to run to a place only her feet seemed to know. In a blink of an eye she was in the middle of the desert, as a beautiful man came out from nowhere whispering her name. “ Scarlet.. Scarlet…” in front of her a tall, tan boy came forward. “ Scarlet, give me the apple!” the beautiful man stepped towards her beckoning and the tan boy shuddered. His clothes ripped off as a wolf with thick, glossy, white-silver fur stood before her. The beautiful man whispered her name again and the wolf attacked.
Scarlet bolted straight in her bed. Her brown hair stuck to her face as the sweat poured down her face and the bustling wind howled outside. In front of her laid the book she had been reading, Twilight, and a large red apple , and she concluded to never late night snack and read Twilight at three am again. It was just a dream.

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