
The smoke consumes us,
Fills our nostrils.
Our lungs.
We are children,
We are mothers,
We are fathers.
We sacrifice our health, our wellbeing.
All for what?
The smoke consumes us,
the thick darkness blankets us,
They bathe in money while we breathe it in
Day and Night.

Everything Fades

Life is short
and so is love
You spend you life trying to find love just for it to fade away
weather it fades from death or just moving apart
It may be fun and full of laughter and great memories
or it may be one side giving their all with nothing in return
Love is short and will soon fade away
so find someone who brings you joy
and is the best part of your day
This person could now be a stranger
but going out of your comfort zone will cause no danger
talk to that person who could be the one
if if she isn’t then the experience could at lease be fun
So take the risk to find that love
because in the end it we all fade
and all i want to do in life is to make your day

This time

I live in fear of what my life will become.
Not because of my decisions but those that others make for me. My path towards success has been constantly disrupted by the mouth of society in which drags me by my hair to become this ideal person. Everyone wants you to become a certain way. Everyone comes up with their own opinions about how you should live your life. Everyone shapes your mind into thinking the same way as everybody else. However, I am growing up to realize that the strength inside me allows me to demand a change in our generation. We will now turn to ourselves in times of trouble. During times of comfort. Because as we let go of our fears we will be able to watch ourselves become capable of more success, more happiness, more adventures, and a better life that we deserve.


I awake, in total darkness, convinced I am still asleep.
I feel anxious, worried, traumatized.
Am I having sleep paralysis?
Suddenly I feel my body move.
Its real.
My eyes are no longer deceiving me. I am truly alone. In the middle of nowhere.
It seems like I’m hallucinating.
The earth starts to revolve and I lose myself.
My perception of the world around me has turned upside down, I see no lightness. No opening to escape.
I’m in a void.
It’s just my own presence and my constant echoing voice in the total darkness.

What it Takes to Conquer the World

Warmblood ran through young Alexander’s veins as he was banished from Macedonia alongside his mother, Olympias because he spoke against his father, King Philip II. Alexander believed that his real father was Zeus and that his sole purpose of life was to conquer the world. During his exile years, Alexander was put to a test by Olympias as she challenged him to defeat the Persian emperor, Darius. The only rule of the exam was to kill each and every living thing that comes in his way throughout the vast desert between Greece and Persia. In his months long journey, Alexander encountered all kinds of plants, animals, birds, and humans. Without stopping to eat or drink, Alexander emerged as undefeated. His conscience though was defeated as he couldn’t stop to mourn over the fact that he didn’t think twice before beheading Olympias and Bucephalus, his horse, as they came in his path to feed him food. To conquer the world, Alexander first had to conquer his soul!

The Macaroon killer

Dexter is a serial killer that kills serial killers and before every kill he eats ten vanilla chai tea macaroons. He goes to the ocean to eat some more macaroons but he hits a huge rock in the middle of the ocean and it causes the boat to sink. Dexter looks in front of him and see’s a shark eating his macaroons and that makes him angry. Dexter kills the shark and swims to the shore and goes to the store to get more vanilla chai tea macaroons. He then sits on a bench enjoying the outdoors and his macaroons.


School is very stressful. I’m up to my neck in homework. Every class is full of things that we have to do. I frantically write everything down that needs to be done. I try not to think about it, but it is always in the back of my mind. During the’s times I am constantly tired and stressed. I try to relax but the thought just comes back.

The Slanted Beauty of Love

Seeing them stand together
at the altar that defines love.
It was one of the most beautiful things.
Kind of like having a child.
Or the evil beauty of slanted truth.
I was 23 1/4 inches tall.
12 pounds heavy.
Look at me now,
wanted by friends, but not by my own parents..
Look at me now.
Searching for the slanted truth,
which is the beauty and horror that Love is.
I came into this world,
fat and bawling.
they want nothing to do with me.
Look at me now..
pain in my chest,
They want nothing to do with me,
so I shall grow alone.
Like a silhouette growing bolder,
and it’s edges defining.


The problem about being lonely..
is you’re left with only you and your thoughts.
Thinking can be one of the most harmful things,
thinking about pain will cause more pain,
it’s like rain.
It starts as a light shower
and grows exponentially to a hurricane.
You can’t control weather,
but you can control these thoughts.
Don’t cause yourself a hurricane when it only has to be a light shower.


Fall is here,
it’s spring elsewhere.
Also summer,
and winter.
All it takes is a little perspective.
Think more than just you, and around you.
There’s more than just you, and whats around you.
You’re just one of a few billion.
Don’t struggle on the past, look forward.
It’s fall now but it’ll be spring later,
as it’s spring somewhere changing to summer later.
Have a little perspective.