
Like a cat it pesters you when you need it to leave,
But it is nowhere to be found when it’s all you desire.
It’s supposed to give you energy, but it’s like a mailman that doesn’t know your address,
So I know nothing except weariness.
Like a knight without armor it fights a losing battle against grogginess,
And I only speak sentences formed between yawns.
It helps your productivity,
But I have too much work to indulge in relaxation.
It helps you focus,
But my mind is too scattered in thought to settle down.
I long to doze off all day,
But spend an eternity in bed trying to keep my eyes shut.
When I finally do fall into its warm pool of stillness and peace,
My mind entertaining itself with absurd movie-like dreams.
I am abruptly pulled out by the sound of my alarm,
Cold and dripping.
Trying my hardest and failing to go back to that state of serenity.
Now I must live another day of drowsiness tantalized by the thought of rest.

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