No One Cares

Because it is the end of the world, they don’t understand. Since there isn’t many of us left, no one cares. No one cares about me. They only care about themselves. They think that this world was selfish before the end was dropped, but it’s much worse now. The people were very caring and helping when it all started, but time kept moving on and so did they. They don’t care about me, but I still do. I still seek my passions. I still seek my wants and needs. I still need my Greek yogurt with berries and granola.


I read lies everyday, on the internet, in books, in texts. I hear lies everyday, on the news, from friends, from family.
Why did the truth become so hard to get?
I search for it long and far, giving up hope after a time. I long for it, even as it’s distance grows.
It becomes a scarier insight as the search goes on. My hope grows every once-in-a-while. My dreams help the thoughts along.

But the question still lies, speaking its false hope.

What is the truth?


Darkness of the night filled my lonely eyes
I could not see my limbs until the light.
A light that seeked my loved ones with surprise
A light that was brighter than a twilight.
All was well, so what else could I ask for.
Healthy and wealthy all was going well
Until a man appeared from the seashore.
A man that looked like the demon from hell.
My father went out to visit the man,
My father dared to ask, “Are you lost sir?”
Bang! Bang! the man stopped my father’s lifespan.
Overcome by grief, life became a blur.
I rise from my lumpy cot drenched in sweat
I look and realize there was no real threat


Looking at the glass
I see beauty and
I see darkness.
I see something shining
and I see something scary, but
in the end all I see is me.
I now see the mirror and
now I see everything is clearer.

Fly my little butterfly

Fly my little butterfly

Fly my little butterfly
Fly among the seas
Fly among the birds and the trees
Fly through the rain and the dreariest of dreams
For you have been set free

Fly like you never have before
For today you are one older more
Don’t ever let your feet touch the ground
Fly in paradise as sweet as sound

Let each flap of your wing rain down happiness like spring
For you are never alone
Never forgotten

May you always be loved by all
As you colors shine bright to be seen
All the purples, yellows, and greens

Though you are not always around
To your home they remember you
They love you dearly as I know you do too

So fly my little butterfly
Fly as far as you wings will take you
Fly to the happiest place in the world where you feel safe
Spread your wings and fly
And when the time comes to rest
Don’t forget that you are the very best
Let your colors shine
For I am yours and you are mine


Where’d all the good men go? We once had a world of those.
I guess it’s just a change in times.
Maybe one day they’ll come back.
Maybe one day they’ll be as real as they once were.
Let’s hope that by the time our grandkids live, those good men will roam the world for them.
Hopefully, they’ll know how great everything once was.
How has it all come to this? How has the world mutated into this savage land?

Why did the world change? For better? For worse?
No one will ever know.

The Man in the Dark

Mankind loves dark.
This fascination is everywhere.
They love dark, the dark, being left in the dark.
Is there something I’m not seeing?

I have a beautiful neighbor.
Everything about her is perfect.
She loves these black, disgusting roses in her garden.
What does she see in them?

The world is vile and evil,
A wretched hell abandoned by the Earth’s myriad of deities.
“It’s nothing,” they say, keeping their cool.
How do you keep cool when your life is falling apart?

Fifty Shades of Mac and Cheese Pizza

Becky was- and this is an understatement- appalled. She’d gotten some wierd calls before; people did crazy shit all the time, and they often required immediate medical assistance. This one was definitely unprecedented. The caller, a young man by the name of Doug, had called, asking for an ambulance, while him and his girlfriend were getting freaky. Doug apparently thought it help set the mood by showing her that he could pop his eyes out of his socket. Then, he tripped and landed face-first into a box of Cici’s mac and cheese pizza that they had eaten for dinner. Not only did he scratch his left eye on some half-eaten crust, but his eyes were covered in cheese sauce and grease. This caused his eyes to slip out of their sockets when he tried to put them back. Needless to say, Becky quit her job after that call. Her mother was right, she should’ve just married rich.

The Mirror

When you look in the mirror what do you see?
Do you see scars where you tried to pull apart the lines of your life?
Do you see marks where you became too big for your skin?
Do you see red marks that smear themselves across your body?
Do you see unevenness that traces you ?
Do you see bumpy roads of life that have left you uncared for?
Do you see every imperfection ?
Do you see your beauty?
Do you see scars that show you how far you have come?
Do you see marks that show you’re only human?
Do you see that no matter what, you triumph in the face of trouble?
Do you see that even with everything that life throws at you, you’re still here?
Do you see how that is the biggest achievement anyone could wish for?
Do you see that the story your skin wears is the story of you?
Do you see your perfect imperfections?
Do you see you?
Because you are perfectly imperfect?
Because you are you?

Teddy Bear

You were a teddy bear
A soft kind teddy bear
You give warm long cluddles and and soft brushes of the hair
I found you on a park bench, playing with a different girl
She was pretty and kind but quiet
I spoke too loud and stole you away
I tore the blue statin bow from her hair and tied it around your neck
I dragged you with that blue satin bow through the dirt and grass
I choked you as I played with your soft fur
I poked and prodded you as you cuddled me
You were choking as I dragged you with that satin bow
That’s when he came and opened my eyes
He showed me the dirt on your fur
And the marks on your neck
And the frown on my face
So I untied the satin bow and now I leave you here
I leave you with sorrow in my heart
I leave you with sadness
I leave you with sorrys and I wish’s
And I tied them all up with that blue satin bow
And called it happy Valentine’s Day