Twilight Dreaming

She ran through the dark forest. A place once of familiarity suddenly now strange and frightening. She spinned around but everywhere she looked there was just darkness, none of the familiar trees in sight. The strangeness and vastness frightened her and she started to run to a place only her feet seemed to know. In a blink of an eye she was in the middle of the desert, as a beautiful man came out from nowhere whispering her name. “ Scarlet.. Scarlet…” in front of her a tall, tan boy came forward. “ Scarlet, give me the apple!” the beautiful man stepped towards her beckoning and the tan boy shuddered. His clothes ripped off as a wolf with thick, glossy, white-silver fur stood before her. The beautiful man whispered her name again and the wolf attacked.
Scarlet bolted straight in her bed. Her brown hair stuck to her face as the sweat poured down her face and the bustling wind howled outside. In front of her laid the book she had been reading, Twilight, and a large red apple , and she concluded to never late night snack and read Twilight at three am again. It was just a dream.

The Unlucky Man

A man walks down the street, steps on his shoe lace and falls on his knee. He gets back up and ties his shoes only to realize he needs to pee. He heads towards his apartment and on his way there, he is handed an apple by a stranger for free. He looks at the apple and discovers a worm so he throws the apple into the sea. However, this man missed and instead hit a car so he gets startled and accidentally runs into a tree. He falls on the ground and while he is there, he picks up a flower and is stung by a bee. He gets back up and despite his pain, keeps the flower to give to his girlfriend, Marie. He gets to his apartment and feels his pockets but he is missing his key. Now you might say this man is very unlucky now, but just wait, you’ll see. He looks at his watch and realizes he’s late for his doctor’s appointment at three. The man wakes up, realizes it was all a dream, goes to the bathroom and makes a cup of tea.

Defeated by bananas

The prince darts at the dragon with his sword for he is destined to save his princess. The dragon hits the sword out of the prince’s hand and he fights back and breathes his burning, ferocious fire on the prince, however, the fire was gone. The dragon huffed and puffed but all that came out of the dragons mouth were tiny, yellow banana peels. The dragon paused confused by what was happening. The prince used this distraction to lunge forward and uppercut the dragon. The dragon, who had lost his balance, takes a step forward onto the banana peels and slips. The ginormous beast falls and hits the ground with a SMASH followed by a huge gust of wind. The dragon lands covered in banana peels and he watches the stars dance across the sky. Once he came to, the prince was gone and the princess was never seen again.

Poseidon’s Malus

The apples came down with such force that it left the world with eternal quivering. Poseidon’s malus had awoken. Every so often, Poseidon would arise from the treacherous sea, creating such havoc onto Corcyra. Poseidon was feared by many and wished to rule the territory. Poseidon’s malus was everlasting; the citizens were not prepared.

No legs

There is a runner named Jason and he has no legs. Jason is running a five mile race. Since he has no legs, he just rolls to the finish line. Half a mile from the finish line Jason smells a perfectly cooked steak. And that smell gives him motivation to finish the race. So the second he crossed the finish line he was given the perfectly cooked steak.


AKA Chiraq
AKA The Big Easy
AKA Sin City
influential cities


A ride to the middle of the ocean
Boats upon Boats
Going into the water

Crystal clear all around
schools of fish swimming
Past fast
A lone shark far below me

A breathtaking sight
Imaginable to the mind

Death by Cheese

Karen used to be a normal girl, with platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and clear blue eyes. All her life, she was warned that mozzarella sticks were a dangerous food that she should never eat, for it could possibly kill her. After many years, she decided to go to sonic and try the greasy snack. With only two bites, she felt a change. Sure that she was dying, she wanted to get out of her locked car. Without even touching the lock, the latch flicked open and flew off. Karen was no longer normal, she was telekinetic. The Mozzarella sticks were not deadly, they were quite the opposite.


A car is many things to many people. A transportation device, a home, etc. For my mom and I, it’s our clubhouse. It is our safe haven to tell secrets in and talk about things away from the outside world. Many people have been inside the car, but few have heard the emotional yells and giggled whispers that the car holds. To many, a car is just a thing that takes you one plane to another, but to my mom and I, it’s a connection. It it our own way of spending time together, no matter how much time we have or what we talk about. A car is our connection and ride of comfort, lasting even after I have my own.