by: Kate Testone
Have to be careful only so much time in the day
Many things to do and the clock is wasting away
My grades must be high and must be strong
Oh and perfect test scores no answers wrong
And can’t forget to join all the sports teams
And have very big very impressive dreams
I must have cool experiences always cool never lame
I have to spark excitement when others hear my name
Oh and must join a club maybe two, maybe three
And remember to help the poor, kiss a baby, plant a tree
And join the Peace Corps, maybe become prom queen too
Honor society, student president, don’t worry I’m not through
I will also start a band, run a race, write a book
I’ll be graceful and confident, make people take another look
Eat the right foods, workout, be in perfect shape
And my personality, well I’ll be a hero minus the cape
Wow I’m feeling overwhelmed does that make me crazy
If I’m not doing all the things does that make me lazy
Everything I’ve listed is what society expects of me
But now that I’m done all I feel is empty