Quiet Honesty
by: Rachel Zook
I’ve never been a good drawer, but I have this fascination with art.
It’s from the creative part of me that will never stop.
I know it sounds cliché, but sometimes,
I wonder what my shower curtains say about my voice when I’m not around
I wonder what my drawings would say if they found out
About all the other artwork that is not done with a pen.
I’ve got a notebook overflowing with really loud ideas
And a song under my bed, I’m afraid if I let you see my creations
You’ll judge them, judge me just like I’m afraid the rest of the world already does.
I pretend to be okay.
But I always keep my feelings to myself, afraid that if I let them out, I might get hurt.
My hobbies include pretending to be someone I’m not, hiding my imperfections,
And trying to convince others that I’m someone worth their attention.
I don’t know much, but I do know this
I know that the world is full of songs and stories
I know there are other people like me using them to stay alive
It reminds me, that just maybe, I’m not alone in this world.