Here’s my 200 Complete this form to submit your entry to the cacciatore. You may enter more than one time, but you have to complete one of these submission forms for each entry. Now, be sure your name and contact information are entered correctly — that’s how we will find you! Choose a user name for cacciatore (first name plus last initial is great!) First Name Last Name Enter your email address. If you don't have one, use your parent's email address. Your Phone Number Your grade Your school Ask your parent or guardian to complete the next section. Parent or Guardian: Vision+Voice would like permission for your son or daughter to enter the cacciatore literary contest for ACC dual credit students. Once we receive a permission form, submitted literary works will be published on this site and released to our judges for review. These literary pieces and associated works of art are also used in promotional materials for the cacciatore project, including but not limited to online publication, promotional materials, video and audio clips, images from the award ceremony, etc. To give your permission for your child to be involved in the contest and for the literary work submitted in this form to be entered and published, check the boxes below. By checking this box, I give permission for my child's written work to be published as part of the CACCIATORE project and to be used in ongoing promotion of the Vision+Voice project. By checking this box, I certify I am the parent/guardian of the student named on this form. I further acknowledge that I have the legal authority to electronically sign this form on behalf of the student named above. Parent or Legal Guardian Full Name Your email address Your phone number Now we’re ready for you to submit your cacciatore! Enter your 200 in the text box below. Typing is the best way to submit it, but cut-and-paste usually works. Title: Type your work in this box: I agree to the terms Show/hide terms You agree (1) that you aren't doing evil things to our website, (2) that the work you are submitting is your own, and (3) that your submission will not be published or sent to our judges unless we have a parent/guardian permission form on file. You’re done! Look back one last time to be sure everything you entered is correct. When you’re ready to submit your piece, click the Submit button below. Remember me